Individual therapy lasts between 50-55 minutes and can occur weekly or bi-weekly. Individual therapy can also occur twice a week if necessary. Dr. Punzo's rate for individual therapy is $200.
Dr. Punzo is in network with Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO and Blue Choice.
Because every plan is different, Dr. Punzo recommends that you call the number on the back of your insurance card to understand what your plan covers for mental/behavioral health services. It is helpful to know if you have a deductible, what your copay or co-insurance is and if you would require any prior authorization for therapy services.
Dr. Punzo is out of network (OON) for all other insurance plans. Clients are still able to see Dr. Punzo even if she is out of network. How this works is: the client pays Dr. Punzo’s fee for therapy at the time of service; she gives you a receipt, you then submit that receipt to your insurance company for reimbursement. The insurance company will reimburse you based on your OON benefits. Many policies have both in-network and OON benefits. Therefore, it is important to call your insurance to find out what your OON benefits are before starting therapy.
Dr. Punzo is available for supervision of psychology trainees and other mental health professionals who may be in need of hours for the licensure process and/or need consultation around trauma and postpartum issues. Her hourly rate for supervision or consultation is $160.